LootsLaw PC

 Formerly The Law Offices of James M. Loots

Depending on their current caseload and other client obligations, our affiliated attorneys may or may not be able to accommodate your specific legal needs. In most cases, that can be determined during a free, no obligation 15-minute telephone introduction where we can both determine if your specific legal need is one that is appropriate for one of our affiliated attorneys to take on, and if so, what the scope and potential cost of that representation might be.  Depending on the nature of your potential legal needs, an affiliated attorney with potentially appropriate experience and skill will be assigned to follow up with your inquiry. 

If it seems that legal services may be needed and appropriate to our practice, we can then schedule a more formal consultation, usually by telephone or video link.  The fee for a formal consultation is a nonrefundable flat $350.00, which includes up to one hour of legal consultation either by telephone or in person,    It is important to understand that an initial consultation is just that, and no legal services will be provided on your behalf unless and until we both agree upon and sign a formal written retainer letter setting forth the scope and terms of that representation.  Also, any advice or perspective shared by an attorney during an initial consultation is necessarily limited to the time and facts then shared and available, which is insufficient to form any legal opinion or recommend any potential solution.  Consultation is intended only as overview and guidance, not representation, and may not be relied upon as a legal opinion upon which specific action or inaction should be based.  The consulting attorney may be affiliated with another practice group or a solo practice, and any such relationship will be disclosed and explained to you at the time of your consultation.  Your representation and agreement as to the terms and scope of legal services, if any, will be between you and the affiliated attorney or that attorney's law practice, not necessarily directly with LootsLaw PC.

If you wish to schedule an introduction or initial consultation, please contact the office at (202) 536-5650  or complete the request for consultation in the link below.  Please note that you must first review and agree to the terms of this consultation, which includes a specific understanding that the consultation does not constitute any agreement to represent you or your company in any potential legal work, and that prior to any such work the attorney(s) must first agree to and you must first execute a formal engagement agreement with the affiliated attorney(s) setting forth the terms and scope of any proposed work.  Please do not forward any confidential information about your legal needs at this time.

Information for Potential New Clients

Serving Small Business and Individuals Since 1984